3.4.Go! Preschoolers
3.4.Go! helps preschoolers get off to the right start, preparing them for success at home, school, and beyond.
3 to 4 years can be a great age to determine if children have reached age-appropriate developmental milestones or have delays in:
Speech and Language
Communication used to express thoughts and understand questions and directions.
Fine Motor
Small muscle movements, including those in hands, fingers, and wrists.
Gross Motor
Large muscle movements used in running, jumping, and hopping.

If a developmental delay is suspected, an in-depth evaluation prescribed by a qualified medical professional and conducted by a fully licensed therapist is warranted.
Once the evaluation is complete, a therapist will recommend a strategy and support plan for the child and the family if a delay is determined. Therapy services in the plan may include:
A combination of therapy services may be the best plan for some children.
3.4.Go! Preschoolers
Off to the right start
Kids Can Do Children’s Therapy Center offers evaluations, consultations, and developmental therapy services for 3-to 4 year-olds.
The initial evaluation, as well as prescribed therapy services, are often covered by insurance.