NDT Neuro-Developmental Treatment
Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) helps individuals with neuromotor disorders improve participation and independence by enhancing posture and movement.
Neuromotor Disorders
Neuromotor disorders occur when there is damage to the central nervous system. They may be congenital or acquired. Children and adults with neuromotor disorders often have difficulty with movement, balance, posture, mobility, muscle coordination and speech.
Neuromotor disorders typically cause challenges for children and adults in their daily tasks and everyday living. Neuromotor disorders in children include: cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, brain injury.
Neuro-Developmental Treatment
Neuro-Development Treatment (NDT) uses therapeutic handling to optimize postural control, mobility, muscle activation, and alignment.
This problem-solving approach involves dynamic reciprocal interaction between the therapist and the child to address motor-based challenges and improve function in everyday tasks, including walking, dressing, and drinking from a cup.
The ultimate goal of NDT is to help individuals with neuromotor disorders live their best lives.
NDT Treatment
at Kids Can Do
Kids Can Do Children’s Therapy Center has a team of pediatric therapists certified in Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT). The NDT Certificate Course curriculum is rigorous and requires intensive in-person training. The training includes classroom education, hands-on lab work in which therapists practice problem-solving and application of intervention strategies, treatment demonstrations by instructors, and mentored clinical practice.
Our NDT clinically trained therapists work collaboratively across disciplines to help children with neuromotor disorders reach the best outcomes.
Our Approach
Kids Can Do’s treatment sessions are designed for each child’s needs; they are not repetitive skill practice. Our NDT-trained therapists break down movement tasks to learn more efficient movement patterns. Therapists encourage children to actively participate in therapy. Treatment sessions are collaborative, fun, and play-based.
The therapist and family work together to set meaningful, challenging, yet attainable goals. Kids Can Do also provides families with suggestions and strategies to support neuromotor challenges at home, school, and in the community.
Insurance often covers NDT therapy when prescribed by a physician or other qualified medical professional.

Our NDT strategy is personalized to meet each child’s unique needs and maximize long-term success.
Consider the “whole child”
Use movement analysis to create an individualized treatment plan
Emphasize learning new movement strategies to achieve functional goals
Contact us to learn more about Neuro-Developmental Treatment and our pediatric therapies.
Reference: Neuro-Developmental Therapy Association (NDTA™) at https://www.ndta.org/.