Physical Therapy
Physical therapy helps improve large (gross) muscle strength, movement, coordination, and balance.
Pediatric Physical Therapy
A pediatric physical therapist specializes in helping children of all ages, from infants through young adolescents, develop their gross motor skills. Pediatric physical therapy helps children who have challenges related to:
Posture, balance, and mobility
Activation of muscle groups used in movements that include rolling, crawling, standing, walking, running, hopping, jumping.
Head tilt, restrictions in neck and trunk muscles.
Neuromotor Disorders
Conditions of the nervous system with motor deficits being the defining feature. Neuromotor disorders include cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and muscular dystrophy.
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Incontinence, chronic bedwetting, constipation.
Injury and concussion
Evaluation, education and rehabilitation programs.
Kids Can Do Physical Therapy
At Kids Can Do, physical therapy begins with a comprehensive evaluation that includes information gathering, testing, and observation. After the evaluation is completed, and it is determined physical therapy is needed, a customized physical therapy plan of care is designed. The plan of care is based on a child’s unique profile, personality and needs.

Our Process
1. Evaluation
2. Goals and objectives
3. Strategy and method
4. Clinic therapy sessions
5. At-home activities
6. Progress assessment
Our physical therapists actively involve family and other caregivers in a child’s therapy. Open communication and a coordinated plan of care results in faster progress and more successful outcomes.

Our physical therapists
At Kids Can Do, therapy is administered by fully licensed pediatric physical therapists with doctoral degrees and specialized training. - Total motor release - Myofunctional release - Neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) - LiteGait® - TheraTogs™ - Gait analysis and orthotic management - Functional movement systems screenings - Neuromuscular electric stimulation (NMES) Kids Can Do’s rigorous therapist qualifications ensure therapy sessions are backed by ongoing monitoring and fine-tuning of the therapy plan. Constantly evaluating the effectiveness of the physical therapy plan is particularly important when treating the complex and evolving needs of children.

Learning through purposeful play
Physical therapy sessions may seem like fun and games, but therapists use specific treatment techniques and approaches and focus on therapy goals. Our therapists are always willing to explain the purpose and strategy of their therapy sessions and answer any questions families may have. To help improve treatment results, Kids Can Do therapists provide ideas and reinforcing activities for home.
Insurance often covers physical therapy service costs when prescribed by a physician or other qualified medical professional.