Sensory Integration Therapy
Sensory integration therapy helps improve how input from the body’s senses is organized, processed, and managed.
Sensory Integration
Sensory integration is your body’s ability to organize and process sensory information for functional use. In addition to processing touch, sound, smell, sight, and taste, your brain is also responsible for detecting movement, body position, gravitational force, and internal sensations such as hunger, thirst, and body temperature.
Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory processing disorder (SPD) occurs when your brain cannot process sensory information as it should. SPD is most frequently identified in children, but adults can also have SPD.
Sensory processing disorder can look different for each child. Some children may be overly sensitive to touch, sound, smell, sight, taste, or movement, while others may be under-responsive to the same sensation. A child may have an activity level that is exceptionally high or exceptionally low. Poor coordination, delays in motor skills, speech and language difficulties, and problems organizing their body and behavior are typical indicators of SPD. SPD may occur in isolation or with other disorders such as autism, ADHD, and learning difficulties.
The following behaviors may be observed in children with SPD:
The following behaviors may be observed in children with SPD:
Avoidance/withdrawal from touch and textures
Meltdowns, tantrums, and difficulty with transitions
Fear/avoidance of movement or having feet off the ground
Sensitivity to sounds, tastes, smells, or bright lights
Awkwardness, clumsiness, poor coordination and motor skills
Avoidance/withdrawal of busy or loud environments
Seeking movement (jumping/crashing) that interferes with daily activities
Poor awareness of body sensations (hunger, thirst, need to use the bathroom)
If your child exhibits these or similar behaviors, they may struggle with a sensory processing disorder, and further evaluation is strongly recommended.
An in-depth evaluation is typically prescribed by a medical professional and conducted by a licensed occupational therapist.
Sensory Integration Therapy at Kids Can Do
At Kids Can Do Children’s Therapy Center, we have a team of experienced occupational therapists who are trained and mentored in Ayres Sensory Integration® theory and practice as well as adjunct approaches and techniques, including Therapeutic Listening, The Zones of Regulation, The Alert Program, and Social Thinking.
Our therapists evaluate a child’s sensory processing challenges to determine their unique sensory needs and then design an individualized corresponding plan of care. The personalized treatment plan develops just right levels of responsiveness through fun and meaningful activities.
Help for families
Parenting a child with a sensory processing disorder (SPD) can be difficult. Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and isolated is not uncommon, but you're not alone. Kids Can Do offers education, support, and encouragement with our SPD Parent Support Group - Ark.

Our Approach
Kids Can Do therapists encourage children to participate in therapy actively. Our therapists select activities that motivate and encourage a child while challenging their unique sensory and motor needs. Kids Can Do also provides families with suggestions and strategies for managing daily sensory challenges at home, school, and in the community.
We believe improving sensory processing gives children the foundation for building important life skills, including fine motor, dressing, grooming, self-regulation, communication, and social interaction. Kids Can Do’s whole child methodology to treatment may include additional types of pediatric therapy.
All systems working together makes it easier and more enjoyable for a child to learn.
Sensory Challenged Adults
Adults can also have sensory processing difficulties that negatively impact their daily lives. Although Kids Can Do primarily treats children, some of our therapists have special insight and experience in designing therapy plans that address the unique needs of adults. Adult sensory integration therapy includes education regarding individual sensory needs and preferences, strategies to help with everyday tasks, and exercises to treat over- and under- reactive sensory systems. The home program includes scheduled activities and accommodations that help adults learn to react better to problematic sensory experiences. Managing sensory processing challenges can lead to less anxiety and more life satisfaction, regardless of age.