Therapy for Infants
Some babies (birth to age 1) may need physical, occupational, or speech (feeding) therapy to help develop skills critical to their well-being, learning, and development. Starting therapy early can result in achieving the best outcomes for babies and their families.
Types of Therapy Services for Infants
Therapy helps babies experiencing developmental delays reach important age-appropriate developmental milestones. Learn more about milestones for infants.
Physical Therapy for Infants
The most common reasons babies need physical therapy are torticollis or difficulty with gross motor skills. Physical therapy for babies includes positioning, exercises, and creating an environment to encourage healthier movement. Treatment helps babies improve their muscle strength, flexibility, and balance so they can learn to roll, crawl, sit, and pull to stand and walk.
Occupational Therapy for Infants
Occupational therapy helps babies develop hand-eye coordination to grasp objects and begin self-feeding. Pediatric occupational therapists are also trained to help infants better respond to and process sensory information (touch, sight, sound) from their environment and develop self-regulation over time.
Speech (Feeding) Therapy for Infants
Specially trained speech-language pathologists help babies breast feed, bottle feed, learn to swallow and transition to solid foods. Treatment may include oral motor therapy to improve sucking or chewing and parent education and strategies to support feeding skills and create successful mealtimes. Therapists trained in orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) provide infants pre-and post-frenectomy treatment for lip, tongue and check ties.
If a developmental delay is suspected, an in-depth evaluation prescribed by a qualified medical professional and conducted by a fully licensed therapist is warranted.
Therapy for Infants at Kids Can Do
We love babies! Kids Can Do Children’s Therapy Center has a team of pediatric physical, occupational, and speech therapists with experience and expertise working with babies. Some infants may need only one type of therapy, while others may need multiple therapies. Our therapists will develop a treatment plan tailored to the individual needs of your baby. Several of our therapists have advanced training and certifications especially helpful in meeting the specific needs of infants.
Our Process
At Kids Can Do, we believe it is important to involve your baby’s entire family in therapy. We focus not only on helping infants develop skills but also on creating bonding and learning opportunities for families. Our therapists teach caregivers specific strategies and techniques for handling and interacting with their infants. Creating an environment conducive to a baby’s ongoing development and learning is critical to success.
Find out more about therapy designed to meet the needs of infants and their families. The earlier, the better.